About site

         This site deals in general with topics related to international politics and issues concerning the universe of the discipline of international relations (which some scholars have called Global Studies), mainly of questions related to the Asia Pacific region. We recommend articles, books, videos, websites, poetry and films dealing with themes related to the vast and captivating universe of international relations, with the goal of enriching our worldviews and becoming a better informed and active citizen of the world. That can compose and explore human diversity in its fullness with its cultures, ethnicities, races, genres, languages ​​and histories, in order to know better and to reflect on the human being and its values, in the same way we also try to reflect how the different actors of the International system and how it has acted to build the reality that we live. We will soon have a monthly postcaster of current topics concerning international relations. So come with us on this journey, we help you create a website that is a useful, entertaining and at the same time critical tool on the current world for the most distinguished readers. Your suggestions, comments and criticisms are welcome and important to create a Site progressively better.
