10 Sources of Information to research more about what happens in Asia.

In 2011, the Asian Development Bank released a report entitled Asia 2050: Realizing the Asian Century that it is a study in which Asia could become the great center of world geo-economic power by 2050, putting the possibility of the Asian population reaching the the average income of the European population, obviously such a study warns that it is not a destination, just a possibility, as we know that history is not predetermined, and Asia generally faces many problems, economic, political and environmental to achieve this goal.

 If you want to read the report you can access the portal for more information:

Asia 2050: Realizing the Asian Century

            This study came to the attention of leaders and political scientists, but the vision in which Asia would exercise a prevailing cultural and economical position is ancient, Napoleon Bonaparte, already mentioned that China could play a greater role in the future in the world, Deng Xiaoping already mentioned about an Asian century.

            Regardless of what happens in the future, Asia and the Pacific is a politically and economically prominent region, and much of what happens in this region, interferes in other places on the planet, and in our daily lives.

                 We have selected 10 sources of information that can broaden your view of what is happening in Asia and the Pacific, and help you understand this fascinating universe, but the dear reader should always be attentive and search in more than one source of information, as some newspapers may present very particular editorial line of Asian events.
1. The Economist -Asia

       English magazine that discusses about international politics, but has a section exclusively focused on the Asian region.


2.Foreign Affairs-Asia

    American International Relations magazine that has a section focused on the news of the Asian continent.


3-Foreign Policy-Asia

  American magazine that deals with international politics and has a section focused on the Asian universe.



             China has been a gradually more influential power in the world, and has its own news channel, with key information from what happens in China and Asia from its perspective.


5. China Daily

              Famous newspaper that talks about what happens in China, but with many matters dealing with everyday chinese.


6.Global times

          Newspaper that deals with international affairs from the perspective of the Communist Party of China.


7.The Asahi Shimbum

         It is one of the great newspapers of Japan, has large number of subjects in English.


8.The Diplomat

        It is a great news channel of what happens in Asia and Pacific based in Tokyo


9.Asia Times

        Hong Kong-based newspaper discussing politics, business and economics.


10.Times of India

        Great newspaper of India in English that discusses on varied subjects.


  You have some more source of information! Comment, share with your friends, find out more about Asia and the Pacific.
