Discovering about Global Education

         We live in an increasingly interconnected world, technology allows us to know what happens in most of the planet in real time, satellites around the earth monitor the various territories of the planet, the sustainability of the earth depends on the actions of all inhabitants of the planet, migratory flows occur in many places on the planet, there has gradually emerged the awareness of a global ethic, the fight against world hunger depends on agricultural policies and actions worldwide, cultural diversity is a striking feature of our planet must be, Human rights must be propagated everywhere to promote the well-being of all. All these questions allow us to reflect on the kind of education we want for our children and the skills and competences that future generations This educators has debated about the possibility of a great curricular that privileges the Global Education.

          According to the Maastricht congress in 2002, the concept of Global Education refers to:

Global Education

"Global education is an education that opens the eyes and minds of people to the realities of
Of the world, and awakens them to create a world of greater justice, equity and human rights for all.

Global Education comprises Comprehensive Education, Human Rights Education, Sustainability Education, Peace Education and Conflict Prevention and Intercultural Education; Being the global dimensions of Education for Citizenship. "

(Maastricht Declaration, 2002)

If you wish to know more about Global Education you can access the document of the European Council on Global Education.

Global Education in Europe to 2015: Strategy, policies and perspectives.

            The curriculum of Global Education can inspire people around the world in your community to generate activism for a world with peace, more justice and equity, and diverse projects.

            For the time being, Global Education has spread more rapidly in the European Union and countries such as Australia, which receive large numbers of immigrants every year, large multicultural nations, and who need new pedagogical practices to address different global issues. But the US has recognized the National Association Education has promoted programs to develop actions geared towards Global Education and favor the valuing of different cultures and create a more  interconnected world.

             But Global Education conferences have promoted this theme around the world in different places, obviously these ideas are complex and must be developed differently by each community, and thought critically by educators.

According to Wikipedia, various organizations around the world have struggled to promote Global Education around the world as:

-CONCORD: Development Awareness Raising and Education Forum, and its project DEEEP.
-Consortium for Global Education
-Global Education Network Europe
-Early Development of Global Education
Among other organizations

Many organizations want to create global citizens who are more connected to the needs of the world and linked in a network around global issues.

The Global Education Network (GLEEN) website may ask teachers questions about what global education means and can be accessed at the following address:


They provide a guide on their actions to promote Global Education in Europe


Global Education according to the GLEEN website deals with key topics such as:

-Global Justice
-Human rights
- Intercultural communication.

That is, essential topics in any pedagogical proposal in the world's schools.

There is also an Australian Global Education website that provides resources that can be found at the following address:


          It is a very complete site on Global Education and how the Australian government has created pedagogical practices involving this teaching proposal.In this site we can find what is Global Education, the Australian curriculum (objectives, goals, approach, skills and perspectives), Professional learning, Teaching strategies and case studies. It is an indispensable tool for the Educator who wants to know about new experiences involving Global Education.

Make comments and suggestions, and if you like to share with friends, let's all find out more about Global Education and how to apply it in school.
