Find out more about Thinks Tanks with Global Think Tanks Index

           To study and not think is waste. To think and do not study is dangerous. "

           "It is not what you do not know that that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that's just not so."
                                                           Mark Twain

        The Think Tanks of the world have a great responsibility as they try to help us to better understand the world we live in and to exert influence over some kind of public. Think Tanks are organizations or opinion-forming institutions made up of experts of a certain subject who may or may not be Affiliated with any party, cause or government, is usually based on influencing the decision makers of the world in their domestic or international policies. There are many Think Tanks that approach international politics spread around the most distinct places in the world, which can become a source of research, or just to have a general idea of ​​the current debates.

         Generally the largest think tanks have specialized area research groups that feature renowned scholars who produce information-rich knowledge and understand different perspectives, including some that produce good opinion pieces and scientific papers, and are excellent tools for understanding the world, as there are different Think Tanks in the world it is possible to stick to different perspectives on a particular subject, although one must be careful in analyzing the interests involved of these opinion influencers and how even interests affect the production of their knowledge, Developed countries generally have a larger and more influential Think Tanks because they generally have larger resources, larger research centers, and a greater number of researchers and have a strong interest in forming the opinion of international society, but this reality should change over time because Asian countries, Latin Americans and Africans, have invested more in the training of their researchers and their institutions.

        The Global Go To Think Tank Index Report that a civil society program formed by the University of Pennsylvania ranks the leading Think Tanks in the world, its report in 2016 can be viewed at the following address:

    According to this report, a total of 6,846 Think tanks can be identified in 2015, with 1,262 in Asia, 774 in Central and South America, 1,770 in Europe, 398 in the Middle East and North Africa, 1931 in North America, 96 In Oceania and 665 in sub-Saharan Africa.

      If you want to know more about Think Tanks of distinct area like Defense and International Security, Environment Policy, Foreign Policy and International Affairs, Health Policy and many others just look for the Think Tank name of your interest in the list made by the report Global Go To Think Tank.

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