Watch videos of Project 7 billion Others and learn more about Humanity


         You want to know more about the world we live in, more about how people live, their cultural diversity, humanity has reached the expressive number of 7 billion individuals,which they do?What people feel about the world?,And how humanity is intertwined and what are the differences of the peoples of the world, to know more you need to visit the Project 7 Billions of Others page on the internet that seeks to show more about Human beings and their stories. The project site is in several languages ​​like: Chinese, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian and others
            The project brings together several videos and information about the people of the world, 6 directors made 6000 interviews with people from 84 countries, separating in some videos that are placed on the website, in categories like Leave Your Country, Family, How to make love last , MDM-Poverty in Issue, MDM-Health in Question, Forgive, First Remembrance, Rwanda, Sense of Life, Dreams of Childhood, Dreams and Renunciations, Climate Witnesses, and more .
             There have been exhibitions of the Project 7 Billions of Others in various parts of the world in museums in countries such as Portugal, Berlin, Brazil, Senegal, Rome, Brussels, France and others.
           The project began in 2003 with its creators Yanh Arthus-Bertrand, Sibylle d'Orgeval and Baptiste Rouget-Luchaire, but currently has a larger team on the Project's website to find out about its history and the purpose of the project.
            It is an important initiative to broaden our cosmo-vision on humanity and to embrace its diversity.

           Watch a trailer that shows Project 7 Billions of Others:

Watch the video of the United Nations that promotes the day  of tolerance and the 7 Billion Project on the Internet.

What is Tolerance?

Visit the 7 Billion Others Website at the following address:

Share with others on the internet, we will know more about our world.
